The Malibu Community Labor Exchange relies on volunteers for much of what we do. From our all-volunteer board of directors to university students and community members teaching English to workers or organizing fundraisers, we can't do it without YOU!
MCLE welcomes volunteers from the community. We frequently have interns from Pepperdine University who come to help and learn from our friendly nonprofit. We also have local volunteers who share their skills and knowledge to teach English and computer skills to help the workers improve their ability to communicate and seek work.
To volunteer:
1. Contact us via email with a description of how you might like to help at malibucle@gmail.com. Our volunteer coordinator will get back to you as soon as possible. We can also provide assistance in determining where volunteers might be needed.
2. When you arrive to volunteer, please check in first with our director, Oscar Mondragon, or your pre-arranged contact person.
3. Record your service with us by scanning the QR code (located below or at the MCLE trailer) or going directly to our Volunteer Form HERE.
**Please don't skip this step! We are required to keep track of the number of volunteer hours served and we want to keep in touch with you!
Track your service by scanning this QR Code: